Feature Focus: Job finished texts - Housecall Pro
Software Advice

Feature Focus: Job finished texts

In this video we’re going to look at how you can optimize your job finished text messages to get more reviews for your business.

The best time to ask your customers for a review is when they’re by their phone and the work is fresh in their mind. That’s why it’s important to make sure you’re adding a link to your Facebook, or Google page asking them to leave you a review when the job is completed.

We recommend focusing on the site that needs reviews the most. Make sure you’re using a tool like bit.ly to shorten the URL so that it fits within your text message (you can do this at bitly.com).

Bonus Tip: 

You can even end your text message by directing them to book you online. That way they know that they have that option next time they schedule a job with you. So remember – when you send out a job finished text, ask for reviews, shorten your links, and direct your customers to book you online.

Looking for more help with job finished texts? Check out this help article from the Housecall Pro Help library.

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Last Posted October, 2024
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